Join Us
We believe that every local church must pursue relationships of interdependence with other local churches and pastors. As we cooperate together, not only do we enjoy the benefits of shared doctrine, standards, and mission. We express our unity and solidarity with the universal church.
Our history as a denomination is marked by God sending us individuals and congregations that have proven to be strategic partners in the gospel. We are eager to explore how you might be an answer to our prayers.
“ ecclesiastical body, significantly bound together in a common confession of faith, pursuing a common mission, guarding the corporate holiness of all the members, and governed by the assembly of the elders.”
Pastoral Ministry
We believe the call to pastoral ministry is to be stewarded by both the man and the church. Pastors are servants, entrusted with the gospel. They must be gifted, called, and qualified. Men who desire to lay down their lives for God’s people.
We are committed to helping men discern their calling by providing assessment, coaching, training, and generous support.
Church Planting
The Great Commission invites us to send our very best to reach communities with little to no gospel presence. This is why we plant churches. This is we pray for gifted, called, and qualified men to lead us into new places and new people. The biblical pattern of missions has always been church planting.
Church planting isn’t for everyone. We are committed to helping men discern their calling by providing assessment, coaching, training, and generous support.
Church Adoption
We believe that local churches need one another to remain faithful in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our history is full of stories of existing churches joining us in partnership through an experience we call church adoption.
We recognize that joining a denomination is an important decision that requires time and care. We want you to have all the information you need. We also want to help you assess whether or not your church aligns with our theology, values, governance, and mission.